HLTH340 Study Guide - Tolbutamide, Xenobiotic, Lipophilicity

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Give a quick and easy definition of what distribution is: distribution is the second phase of toxicokinetic process: this is where we define where in the body a xenobiotic will go after absorption. Explain how and why distribution is tissue-specific: firstly, when we say tissue-specific the idea is that tissue distribution is. Liver is main biotransformation and metabolic center. Kidney as well b/c they filter and purify blood. Lungs get 100% b/c they give it oxygen. Brain gets 25: then there are the poorly perfused tissues, which get less blood and are thus often less vulnerable. Skin: although that may vary b/c you sweat more on a hot day and more blood goes to skin. Muscle (variable): for example, during exercise the perfusion rate would increase. Ok we have given some functional reasons why tissues are either poorly or highly perfused.