HLTH 210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Kinetochore, Mendelian Inheritance, Prometaphase

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Before pregnancy: gametogenesis, release of gametes from gonads and transport to where fertilization takes place, fertilization. Gametogenesis: gametes form from germ cells in gonads, testes of males, ovaries of females, mitotic divisions of germ cells produces spermatogonia in males and oogonia in females, these cells undergo meiosis and also differentation/maturation to produce gametes. Pathway for the migration of mammalian primordial germ cells. (a) Oogonia: intense mitotic activity in embryonic ovary up to 7 million germ cells. Over time natural degeneration of germ cells (______) until menopause: male. Spermatogonia: mitosis begins in early embryonic testis and continues throughout life seminiferous tubules of testes lined with germanitive population of spermatogonia. Before meiosis: dna replication in s phase. Each chromosome now has identical ____ chromatids. Held together at centromere by cohesins: centrosomes replicate, now cell enters prophase 1 of first meiotic phase. Figure 2: the red and blue colors correspond to a homologous pair of chromosomes.