EARTH123 Study Guide - Final Guide: Relate, Great Lakes Basin, Rain Shadow

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Memorize: change in s= p + gin + qsw (gout + e + qsw out) Hydrology: the occurrence, circulation and distribution of water of the earth and its atmosphere. Effects of levee construction flood protection, accumulation of sediment in river channel, sediment supply to flood plain will be stopped, river level increase so ground level remains at the same elevation. Surge barriers: gate and floodwalls to prevent a flood surge in a populated area. Diavik diamond mine -> kimberlite pipes were discovered in "94-95, significant diamond recovery in. 1997, diamond production begins in 2003, produce 9 million carats annually; the northwest territories produced 13% of the world"s diamonds in 2008, gdp tripled from 1991 to . 5b in 2007 and unemployment dropped from 13. 7 to 5. 4% Significant challenges of the mine include its remote location, kimberlite is under lac des gras and its climate is challenging to work in.