CLAS201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Magna Graecia, Nicomachean Ethics, Pelasgians

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The greek miracle (textual sources for the ancient greeks) Mycenaeans (culture, homer, epic cycle, homer as source for mycenaean culture) Ancient greec the greek mainland, magna graecia (sicily, s. italy), greek. You should know who wrote what from the list below. Homer: iliad, odyssey; hesiod: theogony, works and days. Crete, arthur evans, king minos, minotaur, minoan, knossos, thalassocracy, palaces (labyrinth), frescoes (peaceful scenes), bull motif, chthonic (earth), mother goddess, fertility, afterlife, male subordinate, linear a, syllabary. William jones, father, pater, pitar, pere, padre vater . Zeus (dios), jupiter (diespiter), dyaus pitar, linguistic theory, warriors/nomads/hunters, olympian, sky god, immortal versus mortal, helladic branch enters greek mainland (2000 bce) First greeks, heinrich schliemann, citadels, mycenae, tiryns, argos, pylos, Cyclopean architecture, war-themed art, linear b, michael ventris, troy, Cypria, iliad, aethiopis, little iliad, persis iliou, nostoi, odyssey. Cypria: prometheus, zeus, thetis, peleus, eris, athena, hera, aphrodite, Judgement of paris, priam (king of troy), helen, menelaus, agamemnon (brother),