BIOL370 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ouabain, Membrane Transport Protein, Rumen

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19 Jan 2014

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A cellular mechanism (hormones, proteins, transporters, etc. ) May ask when the adaptation is, what is its importance, example of animals, etc. Tonicity is a subjective measure; a solution that is hypotonic on 1 cell is not necessarily hypotonic on another (it depends on the membrane and how the cell changes) You can"t know its tonicity without putting the cell into a solution and examining what happens. Osmolarity is an objective measure (concentration of solute in a solvent) These are responses to changes in cell volume. Rvd only occurs after the cell has experienced an unexpected increase in cell volume (ex. by being placed in a hypotonic medium causing water to move into the cell) Try to get ions out of the cell so waters will passively follow. Need to know 1 or 2 protein transporters that are important. Using an ussing chamber that measures 2 things to try and identify the movement of ions across a single frog epithelial layer.