BIOL301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Abdominal Internal Oblique Muscle, Clavicle, Anatomical Terms Of Location

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11. flexes neck forward, turn head left and right. 12. capitis extends head and lateral flex, cervicis extends neck and turns head. 13. extends back, ilicostalis lateral, longissimus intermediate, spinalis medial. 14. extends back together, lateral flexion of back itself. 18. compresses abdominal cavity (taking a shit) (most deep abdominal muscle) 23. pulls scapula anteriorly and downward, and pulls rib cage superiorly in forced left and right ventilation. 39. extends forearm, small ass muscle located at lateral condyle to ulna olecranon. 42. flexes wrist, between flexor carpi ulnaris and radialis. 47. extends and abducts wrist, between brevis and brachioradiallis. 53. extends thumb and abducts the joints (above the brevis) 55. proximal to the extensor pollicis muscles, abducts the thumb and joints. 61. flexes hip joint and some of the vertebrae. 64. large muscle from the pubic bone to femur, flex thigh and adduct. 46. extends and abducts wrist, between extensor digitorum and extensor carpi medial, extend knee. 76. everts and plantar flexes, originates at middle of fibula.