[BIOL 273] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (25 pages long!)

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Unit 1: introduction to physiology (ch1, 3 and 6) Physiology: the study of the normal functioning of a living organism and its component parts (includes all the chemical and physical processes) Studying and understanding the vital functions of the human body. Many complex systems possess emergent properties: emergent properties: the properties and structure that cannot be predicated based only on knowledge of the system"s individual components. Eg of emergent properties in humans -> emotion, intelligence, and other aspects of the brain function -> these properties can not be predicted even if we posses the knowledge for nerve cells. From hgp -> it was determined that one gene could code for more than one protein; that is when they started to examining proteomics. Integration of function across many levels of organization is a special focus of physiology. > integration = to bring varied elements together to create a unified whole.