BIOL150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Contractile Vacuole, Planula, Penis Fencing

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Holozoic (solid foods (cid:0) phagocytosis) or saprozoic (dissolved foods (cid:0) pinocytosis) Contractile vacuole also used in fresh water paramecium in osmoregulation. Undulipodia = flagella/cilia have 9 pairs of microtubules around central pair. Cell forces endoplasm in one direction, forms hyaline cap on ectoplasm, endoplasm fills cap pushing it outward, drags body along. No movement/feeding organelles in adults important organelle in invading host cell/tissue. Reproduction: asexual bud formation, regeneration (somatic embryogenesis) or sexual, release trap food sperm into water and eggs in tube, forms parenchymula (free-swimming larvae) Sponges are monoecious (cid:0) have both m and f reproductive organs. Germ layer: no true tissue choanoflagellates - single cell, can live in colonies. Types of sponges: asconoid (1 straight tube), syconoid (many osculum coming out of a tube), leuconoid (many pores = most sa = most efficient) Germ layer: diploblasts, 2 true germ layers (ectoderm/endoderm) Fire cnidocyte: cnidocil triggered (cid:0) operculum opens (cid:0) osmotic pressure (very salty inside) and.