BIOL 130L- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 37 pages long!)

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When an apple is cut and left in the open space, the slices turn brown. This is because apple slices are exposed to oxygen in the air and causes a chemical reaction called oxidation. Oxidation is a chemical reaction with oxygen by hydrogens removed from the reactor and reacts with an oxidizing agent (oxidation, 2008), which is oxygen in this lab. The enzymes in fruits called tyrosinases and catechol oxidases are the causes of the browning of fruits (kampai, bijelica, pretzlerm, rompela, 2017). The time it took for all the slices to turn brown was measured. Data table 01: the time it took for apple slices in different conditions to brown. Time it took for apple to brown (min) 8 temperature areas such as in the middle and around the edges. 38 areas such as in the middle and around the edges. 34 areas such as in the middle and around the edges.