AFM341 Study Guide - Final Guide: Class Diagram, Microsoft Access, Business Rule

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The multiplicities next to the customers class are 11 and the multiplicities next to the sale class are 0*. The multiplicities next to the sales class are. 0* and the multiplicities next to the inventory class are 1*. Cash disbursements class are 0* and the multiplicities next to the cash accounts class are 11. The multiplicities next to the pet owners class are 11 and the multiplicities next to the pets class are 1*. The multiplicities next to the cities class are 11 and the multiplicities next to the neighborhoods class are 1*. Deliveries class are 0* and the multiplicities next to the shipping companies class are. The multiplicities next to the accountants class are 0* and the multiplicities next to the. Disbursements class are 0* and the multiplicities next to the vendors class are 11. Dr. franklin runs a small medical clinic specializing in family practice. The following simple diagram describes the basic relationships.