ACB 310 Midterm: ACB 310 Practical Lab Midterm Notes

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Lesser wing of sphenoid: mandible, mandibular fossa, mastoid process, mastoid region, maxilla, mental foramen, nasal bone, nasal spine (anterior, occipital bone, occipital condyle, olfactory foramina, optic canal. Jugular notch: head, costal angle, body, body, cervical vertebrae and curvature, costal demifacet, costal facet. Identify the bones and important markings of the pelvic girdle: acetabulum, ala of ilium, anterior superior iliac spine, lateral (axillary) border, lateral angle and neck, medial (vertebral border, spine, subscapular fossa, superior angle, superior border, supraspinous fossa, scapula notch, shaft, radial notch, coronoid process, trochlear notch, radius, head, interosseous border, neck, radial tuberosity, shaft, styloid process, hand, capitate, distal phalanges digit i, distal phalanx digit ii, iii, iv, v, hamate, anterior inferior iliac spine, coccyx, greater sciatic notch. Femur: adductor tubercle, gluteal tuberosity, greater trochanter, head, intercondylar fossa, intertrochanteric crest, lateral condyle, lateral epicondyle, lateral supracondylar line, lesser trochanter, linea aspera, medial condyle, medial epicondyle, medial supracondylar ridge, neck, patellar surface, shaft.