CLAS 2520 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Kylix, Homeric Hymns, Eleusinian Mysteries

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Chapter 10: myths of fertility - demeter: demeter (rmn. Ceres) : persephone (proserpina, kore, hecate, helius, metaneira, celeus, demophoon, eleusinian mysteries, triptolemus, telesterion. Chapter 11: myths of fertility dionysus: maenads, thyrsus, satyrs, silenus, midas, ariadne, lycurgus, minyads. Ino: dionysus (dio bright, semele, cadmus (theban king, autonoe, agave, nymphs of nysa, bacchae. Chapter 12: myths of death: hades, pluto (rmn. Dis: erinyes, psychopompos, tiresias, tantalus, thanatos, psyche breath. Isis: osiris, cybele, attis, agdestis, adonis, pentheus, sparagmos, omophagia, enthusiasmos, homoiosis, unio mystics, thespis, polydegmon ( rec. , polyxenos ( host , eidolon ( image , daimones (dead heroes, sisyphus, elysium, odysseus, orpheus, eurydice, orphism, zagreus, pythagoras, er, acheron, charon. Ancient sources stories: homeric hymn to demeter, persephone"s abduction by hades (hecate and helius, demeter, demophoon, and. In-class photos: demeter, triptolemus, and persephone, hades and persephone (abduction, sanctuary of demeter and kore in eleusis, telesterion initiation hall in eleusis, birth of dionysus (from zeus" thigh) .