BIOL 1000 Study Guide - Gamete, Condensin, Nucleosome

70 views1 pages
6 Oct 2013

Document Summary

Binary fission: asexual reproduction by division of one cell or body into two equal or nearly equal parts. Septation: in prokaryotic cell division, the formation of a septum where new cell membrane and cell wall is formed to separate the two daughter cells. Mitosis: somatic cell division, nuclear division in which the duplicated chromosomes separate to form two genetically identical daughter nuclei. Chromatin: the complex of dna and proteins of which eukaryotic chromosomes are composed; chromatin is highly uncoiled and diffuse in interphase nuclei, condensing to form the visible chromosomes in prophase. Heterochromatin: the portion of a eukaryotic chromosome that is not transcribed into rna; remain condensed in interphase and stains intensely in histological preparations. Euchromatin: the portion of a eukaryotic chromosome that is transcribed into mrna; contains active genes that are not tightly condensed during interphase. Histone protein: any of the eight proteins with an overall positive charge that associate in a complex.