ZOO 3600 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Environmental Toxicology, Lipid Raft, Homeostasis

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14 Apr 2021

Document Summary

Homeostasis: the process by which organisms maintain a relatively stable internal environment. Negative feedback: a type of regulation that responds to a change in conditions by initiating responses that will counteract the change. Acclimation: the process of change in response to a controlled environment variable in the lab. Acclimatization: the process of change in response to natural environmental variation. Adaptation: a characteristic that improves an individual"s ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. Fill in the blank: the low permeability of most integuments (skin) depends on the presence of a thin layer of keratins, lipids, or wax. Transcellular path: cross both apical and basolateral cell membranes. Paracellular path: between epithelial cells (only small molecules) Lipid rafts: they are regions that accumulate cholesterol and glycolipids. These regions are more rigid and preferentially recruit specific proteins that are involved in signalling pathways. They also readily move in the plasma membrane. Amphipathic: having both a hydrophilic region and a hydrophobic region.