SOC 3750 Final: SOC 3750 - Exam Review

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Recurring concepts (themes: image management (image work, presentation of self, police as persons or organizations present themselves to others, police subcultures (ex: risk society) Goffman: presentation of (cid:498)self(cid:499) to the audience around us. No matter where you are, you will present a well crafted self to a specific population. Front stage: when you are not among the persons that are not close to you (ex: university and at home) public. > usually the image that is desired or anticipated public image on front stage (police constant position where they have to create this that is acceptable and accepted by the public at large) Back stage: reveal to those who are close to you (private) Does not mean that the presentation of the self sucks, it is just a different side being presented. Do not make the assumption that persons are mischievous or not honest but everyone does this regardless of what we do, where we live etc.