SOC 2700 Study Guide - Reinforcement, Edwin Sutherland, Social Learning Theory

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Discuss the key ideas of social learning theory. Discuss the distinctions and similarities between akers"s differential reinforcement and. Use examples from lectures and readings in your answer. Basics: results of socialization, role of environment over internal causes, symbolic interaction, live in a world of meaning, influences of people on other people. modern social learning theory: crime is learned, social relations influence behaviour. Community or group organization regulates rates of crime. Delinquent values are transmitted from one generation to the next. Criminal behaviour is learned through social interactions. Views of crime- weather criminal or conventional influences are stronger in a persons life- determines whether the person embraces crime as an acceptable way of life. One response: ronald akers &differential reinforcement theory: uses operant conditioning and imitation/ modeling, blend of sociology and psychology. Central ideas of akers: differential association, definitions of the situation, differential reinforcement, imitation (modeling) Social location differentially exposes individuals to learning environments.