SOC 2700 Study Guide - Autonomic Nervous System, Monoamine Oxidase, Electrodermal Activity

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Biological theories argue that certain biological characteristics increase the probability that individuals will engage in violent or antisocial behaviours. Biosocial theories focus on the interaction between biological characteristics and the social environment. Earliest theories emphasized physical appearance as the mark of a criminal, thought the cause of criminality was being inferior biologically, shown in physical traits. Goes back to ancient times e. g. socrates was unfavourably described by a physiognomist (someone who studies the face) Phrenologists studied the shape of the skull and thought it indicated the shape of the brain, which could determine personal characteristics and how the mind functioned. Studied all anatomical features of the human body. Relied on darwin"s theory of evolution to argue that criminals were biological throwbacks to an earlier evolutionary stage, people more primitive and less highly evolved than their noncriminal counterparts; called them atavists