SOC 2700 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Corporate Crime, Price Fixing, Thorsten Sellin

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Discuss the conflict and marxist perspectives on crime. Use examples from lectures, readings, and the film. Place conflict of interest at the very center of human societies. Argues that the organized state does not represent common interests but instead represents the interests of those with sufficient power to control its operation. As a result powerful people are legally freer to pursue self-interests while less powerful people who pursue self-interests are more likely to be defined as a criminal. Conduct norms: cultural rules that require certain types of people to act in certain waiys in certain circumstances. In homogenous societies many of the conduct norms represent the consensus in society. But in complex societies there will be an overlap and contradiction between conduct norms of different cultural groups. Social process: view of society as a collection of groups help together in a dynamic equilibrium of opposing groups of interests and efforts.