SOC 2700 Study Guide - Final Guide: Honor Killing, Environmental Design, Intersectionality

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Rational choice theories the influe nce of pe e rs. Place s that have high police calls. Place s that s e rve booze. S i= s ymbolic inte ractionis m. Life and unde rs tanding of how we re late and inte ract all come s from the s hare d me anings and inte ractions that we have. We have to have inte ractions with pe ople to know how the y will make us fe e l and how we will re act. Micro le ve l the oris ts. Individual and s mall le ve l how inte ractions are cre ate d. Me anings attache d to e ach inte raction. The re is not jus t a s timulus and a re s pons e. The inte rpre tation is the mos t important part and inte rpre t a s hare d me aning. S ocialization has allot to do with this.