[SOC 2700] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (34 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Criminal justice system is the stages through which the offender passes, including police, courts and corrections. Intimate violence is crime that occurs in the context of familiarity, such as spousal abuse, child abuse or elder abuse. People do rely on their experience when assessing the likelihood of being a victim of crime, but rather draw from such sources like the media. Third knowledge of crime has long term effects creating fear of crime, a negative view of the police and the courts and attitude favoring harsher punishments for offenders. Criminology is the scientific study of the nature, extent, cause and control of criminal behaviour. Criminologist is one who brings objectivity and method to the study of crime and its consequences. Scientific method is very important in criminology. Criminologist use objective research to gather data, create theories and test the validity of those cases.