SOC 2070 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Body Piercing, Deinstitutionalisation, Medicalization

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Midterm two review solitary in interacting with others but keep attitudes and behaviours a secret. Colleagues face-to-face relationships with others like themselves but do not need their cooperation to engage in activities. Engage in behaviours with others like themselves but have only minimal division of labour. Neighbourhood gangs (everyone is at the same level except possibly a leader) 3-12 persons who band together to engage in more sophisticated deviant acts with larger monetary payoffs like theft or smuggling. Formal organizations larger than crews and extending over time and space. May involve transnational links drug cartels. Directly related to people in a position who abuse financial, organizational or political power. Pursed by persons acting on their own behalf included employees at all levels of organizations who may steal from their companies. Organizational crime crime committed with the support of a legitimate formal organization and designed to advance the goals of the firm or the agency.