SOC 2070 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Informal Social Control, Social Constructionism, Mechanical And Organic Solidarity

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Medium answer 2 questions 5 marks each. What are the functions of deviance? increase social solidarity. Determine moral boundaries test societies boundaries reduces societal tensions. Objective is a common characteristic people recognize deviance when they see it. Subjective is not a common characteristic someone must tell us that a certain something is deviant. He suggested the anomie meant goals emphasized more than means, and that strain was caused a normative social order creates unequal access to legitimate means. Deviance was caused by strain and negative affects. Strain combined with anger and high depression caused internal deviance (eg. purging). Strain combined with anger and low depression caused external deviance (eg. crime) Agnew"s strategies to reduce deviance: eliminate strains conducive to crime, remove individuals from strains, equip individuals with skills to avoid strain. Hirschi"s social bonds theory suggested the social bonds restrain most of us: attachment to parents, social agents, commitment conformity, involvement in activities, belief values, morals.