SOC 2070 Final: SocialDevianceLectureNotes

423 views95 pages
12 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Deviance is studied by deviance specialists who analyze criminal or noncriminal forms of deviance. Those who focus exclusively on criminal forms of deviance are criminologists. New notions discuss subjectivity over objectivity (like in the old days) Certain characteristics make an act or person socially deviant. Qualities can be observed or measured and they make something deviant. Those lacking those characteristics are considered normal. All deviants have something in common that makes them recognizable. Deviance stems from the act or person. It"s a common sense approach - fundamentally true. The issue of threshold (how rare does it have to be) Rare, but not deviant (acts of heroism, lottery) Common, but deviant (domestic violence, tax fraud) Physical (ex. assault) or psychological (ex. bullies) Social harm - interfering the smooth running of society overall. Harm may occur in the form of a threat to the way we understand the world and our place in it.