SOC 2010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Uniform Crime Reports, Arrest Warrant, Police Misconduct

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25 true/false questions less than half are true. 1 written question: street crime (conventional) Offenders can be anyone, however, the lower-class are more likely to be arrested less likely to afford a lawyer. Responsibility individual level, but ppl. can commit crimes in groups. 2 categories violent and property crime. Property break & enter, vandalism, theft. Criminal justice system police more likely to catch those guilty of street crime rather than white-collar crime: white-collar crime. Offenders depends on a person"s occupation. Corporate tend to be consumers, perpetrator is an organization. Criminal justice system not as enforced, taken to courts, dealt with internally, ex. Individual embezzlement, perpetrator is ind. forced to resign. White collar crime: reporting, personalize, crime/criminal. More difficult because there is usually multiple parties. Correlate some type of relationship btwn. two variables, it does not equal causation. Sociological age, sex, race, etc: social class not necessarily which class commits more but who is more likely to be convicted.