SOC 1500 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Disorganization Theory, Class Stratification, Siege Mentality

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Criminology midterm review chapters 7 to 9. Social structure theory: an approach that looks at the effects of class stratification in society. Sociological criminology: looks at how patterns of behaviour exist within social structure at an individual and group level. Culture of poverty: the lower-class culture, characterized by values and norms in conflict with conventional society. Underclass: a world cut off from society, its members lacking the education and skills needed to survive, which becomes a breeding ground for criminality. Identifies community level factors that produce high crime rates. Conformity legitimacy is accepted in both goals and means: 2. Innovation legitimacy is accepted in goals but not means: 3. Ritualism legitimacy is not accepted in goals, only in means: 4. Retreatism legitimacy is not accepted by either goals or means: 5. Rebellion legitimacy is half and half for both goals and means.