SOC 1100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Shudra, Burakumin, Rationality

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Theoretical paradigms are meant to be useful, they all have a core focus. structural functionalism: the value" of integration of the components of society, cohesion shared values, consensus social conflict: the value" of recognizing conflict/power inequities for explaining society and social change symbolic interactionism: the value" of being conscious of the creativity of humans (weber argued that human action/interaction was motivated [i. e. , meaningful] as we negotiate our lives and create social reality[ies]) feminist: the value" of perceiving social organization from the standpoint of women, the. Limitations of scientific sociology: human behaviour is too complex for sociologists to predict any individuals actions precisely, since humans respond to their surroundings, the mere presence of a researcher may affect the behaviour being studied, social patterns change what is true in one time or place may not hold true in another, because sociologists are part of the social world they study, being value free when conducting research is difficult.