SOAN 2120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nonprobability Sampling, Central Limit Theorem, Convenience Sampling

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Surveys: asks the participant a number of questions, and each question on the survey represents a variable: advantages. Can be used for a large number of respondents. Cannot manipulate people they have to be controlled statistically. Experimental: create a very controlled environment and then model it after procedures used in natural sciences o. Less thorough more reliable: rankable with more than 4 variables. Cannot be ranked non numerical: descriptive, generate theories o. Less reliable more thorough: deals with sensitive issues. Regardless of the population distribution, with repeated sampling the shape of the sampling distribution is approximately normal (bell shaped) with population parameter at its center. As the sample size increase the more pr cises the approximation is. If you repeat a random phenomenon multiple times you, the average value will get closer and closer to the population parameter. The larger the sample, the more likely it represents the true population. Positively skewed (right) mean is greater than the median.