SOAN 2120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Content Analysis, Scientific Misconduct, Syphilis

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People conduct social research to learn something new about the social world. Social research a process in which people combine a set of principles, outlooks, and ideas (i. e. methodology) with a collection of specific practices, techniques, and strategies to produce knowledge: five alternatives to social research. Authority: accepting things as true from authority figures (i. e. parents, teachers, professors, experts, etc. , there are limitations to relying on authority. Tradition: tradition is the authority of the past, tradition means you accept something as being true because it is the way things have always been. Common sense: relying on what everyone knows and what just makes sense, example: poor youth are more likely to engage in deviant behaviour. Overgeneralization an error that occurs when using personal experience as an alternative to science for acquiring knowledge. It occurs when some evidence supports a belief, but a person falsely assumes that it applies to many other situations, too.