SOAN 2120- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 17 pages long!)

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Soan 2120 introductory methods september 12th. Read chapter 1-3 basics of social research methods: qualitative/quantitative approach. It requires persistence, personal integrity, tolerance for ambiguity, interactions. It is also known to be a process for producing knowledge in an organized process. It is the source of the newest scientific ideas and whys of thinking about the world. Link issues or topics with a general principle. Chapter 2 theory and social research: aggregate collection of many individuals, cares or other units, social theory a system of interconnected abstractions or ideas that condense and organizes knowledge about the social world. People create perceptions of each other and social settings: conflict theory (macro) society is made up of groups that have opposing interests. It begins with a theory and then tests it by using empirical data. Inductive approach an approach to inquiry or social theory in which one begins with concrete empirical details and then works toward abstract ideas or general principles.