SOAN 2120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Null Hypothesis, Squared Deviations From The Mean, Central Limit Theorem

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They are methods in which we generate the data. They are done through interviews and field research. They are done through survey research, which then you get numerical values. What the two parts of social science: social theory: encompassed by karl marx, max w weber and emile durkheim. They govern the way in which the world works. They deal with an intellectual part through theoretical perspectives (the way in which we develop our own theories and harnish critical learning. You gain knowledge for the sake of learning: research: you develop skills for employment (concrete skills) Health\hospitals (they want in depth interviews of the patients they are treating) Conflict theory sees society being organized between conflict. There are competing groups (the haves and have nots). Conflict theorists believe that the power imbalance grows. They believe that there should be equality of result (at the end of the day everyone is equal) Society exists because they are functional (they serve a purpose).