[SOAN 2120] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (55 pages long)

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Environment how it influences us as individuals and groups ex. trading places. Conflict between competing groups (cid:498)haves and have nots(cid:499) rich and poor. Functional- something exists for a purpose, a function. If something becomes infunctional society gets rid of it. 90% of university profs in the natural sciences are male. In the end- gender distribution should be equal. Conflict theory vs. functionalism at the extremes: na ve. Not all researchers adopt one perspective, don"t generally navigate one. Social researchers use research methods to determine how the environment influences people (generate and evaluate theories) Karl marx #7 most influencial (contribution in the world was too low) Theory (uni experience) students from guelph are smarter than students from another uni. Hypothesis: guelph students have higher grades on a standardized test than do students from another uni. Very controlled environment (modeled after the procedures used in the natural sciences) Experiment (3 stages) not necessary to use all of them.