SOAN 2112 Study Guide - Final Guide: The Communist Manifesto, Complex Number, Social Fact

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A complex division of free labor and advanced technology led to alienation and exploitation. They needed to be broken up for capitalism to work right. (dehumanization) Bureaucratization is a powerful tool that cannot be destroyed once it is created. He wanted to change the connections between economy and other social institutions. Extensive urbanization encourages the separation of town and country. Science would have an effect on traditional religions (all three theorists thought this) Capitalists and workers as the capitalists and the workers live in an alienated life under the state of capitalism. The infrastructure or substructure -> the relations of production. Calculating individual that is a primary feature of the modern life. Capitalism and bureaucracy are forces that continue to dominate persons in modern society. Goal was to know the boundaries between science and values. Weber saw a connection between the rise of capitalism and protestant religious thinking.