[PSYC 4750] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 34 pages long Study Guide!

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Positive or negative emotion emotional engagement. People who view motivation as a unitary concept view it as nonexistent, low, moderate, high: and ask how can i foster more emotion in my students etc . Students who learn out of an intrinsic motivation (interest curiosity) show more creativity, positive emotion and conceptual learning than those with extrinsic motivation (ex. Diff cultures value diff things and have diff goals: to flourish, motivation needs supportive conditions. Not all attempts to motivate are successful there is an art to motivate others and the self: there is nothing so practical as a good theory. Explaining why people do what they do can lead to theories of. Can foreshadow life outcomes we care about: ex. Use knowledge about motivation to real life applications: motivate employees, coach athletes, console clients etc. Why do something: can rely on personal experience and subjective conjectures, or rely on scientific construct theories.