PSYC 4600 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Receptive Field, Visual Angle, Inferior Temporal Gyrus

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Trying to create map of exactly what brain does. One of most common organizational principles retinotopic. Rods ( brightness) and cones ( colour) Whole back of your eyeball is a thinly spread out sheet of sensory preceptors. Organization of retina is related to spatial organization of world you live in. Two sensory preceptors on your retina that are close together will respond to light in the real world from two points that are close together. We see these maps throughout various places in our cortex. What is topography of visual system the organization is retinotopic. Fovea has more cones than peripheral of retina. Fovea is small but has highly densely packed cones. Because they"re so tightly packed you get really good spatial info from space. This is why if you want to see something clearly you have to point your gaze right at it. Inverted: superior (s) visual field projects to inferior (i) cortex and vice versa.