[PSYC 3850] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 43 pages long Study Guide!

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Ancient rome and greece killed child within one year of birth. First half of the 19th century, positive approach. Mid-to late 19th century and beginning of 20th had negative stereotypes. Mid to late 20th century saw many advances in medicine and education: deinstitutionalization and normalization. Currently- legal issues, medical advances, educational considerations and terminology. From kindness, to barbarism to neglect to enlightenment to care and eventually education. 2 medical papyri found in a tomb. St. nicholas thaumaturgos saint of cids, later saint of all children. After the fall of the greek and roman civilizations, infanticide. Thro(cid:449)(cid:374) i(cid:374) ri(cid:448)er or a(cid:271)a(cid:374)do(cid:374)ed i(cid:374) forest if did(cid:374)"t (cid:373)eet sta(cid:374)dards in rome child was their decision particularly the fathers. Accounts of cids dates to 1500 bc. Early egyptians tried to cure a number of human ailments. During the renaissance, physicians such as paracelsus and platter began to distinguish.