PSYC 3800 Study Guide - Final Guide: Synaptic Pruning, Overproduction, Sketchpad

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A good understanding of brain development and how it impacts learning is important for all educators. Drawing on information from your textbook (especially pages 26-35, 162-184, Chapter 8) and the bialystok (2009) article, answer the following questions: a) define. Experience- expectant and experience-dependent overproduction and pruning . (2 marks) b) Define working memory and the central executive (1 mark for each definition = 2 marks) c) Synaptic connections are formed based on an individuals experience and are formed in local areas of the brain where the individual is not successful in processing information. More synapses will be created than will be kept after pruning, which is aided by environmental stimuli. Working memory does differ between monolingual or bilingual students as evidenced by bialystok and. The three strategies are: making it meaningful new terms are clarified through ties with more familiar words and ideas.