PSYC 3800 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Rote Learning, Pearson Education, Wrong Impression

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Discussion #3: what is wrong with memorizing? (textbook page 287) Most school curriculums are built on the principle of memorizing concepts, beginning in kindergarten and extending through post-secondary education. This emphasis on the principle of memorizing concepts leads to our biggest challenge, where memorizing information is confused with learning principles (woolfolk, winnie & perry, 2016). This is often called rote learning, which is defined as the memorization of information based on the principle of repetition ( rote learning vs. Due to this, students are essentially memorizing information to pass exams and get good marks, but the problem is they aren"t actually learning anything by doing this. This can only be achieved when students understand and analyze the concept through critical thinking. Therefore, rote learning doesn"t properly allow connections to be developed between new and previous knowledge and a deeper understanding of the concepts being taught ( rote learning vs.