PSYC 3390 Study Guide - Final Guide: Anxiolytic, Sleep Onset Latency, Multiple Sleep Latency Test

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Unit 7/chapter 8 eaing and sleep-wake disorders. Bulimia nervosa: recurrent episodes of binge eaing. An episode of binge eaing is characterized by both of the following: Eaing, in a discrete period of ime, an amount of food that is deinitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of ime and under similar circumstances. Anorexia nervosa: restricion of energy intake relaive to requirements, leading to a signiicantly low body weight in the context of age, sex, developmental trajectory and physical health. Signiicantly low weight is deined as a weight less than minimally normal. Restricing type during the last 3 months, the individual has not engaged in recurrent episodes of binge eaing or purging behaviour (i. e. vomiing, laxaives). This subtype describes presentaions in which weight loss is accomplished primarily through dieing, fasing and/or excessive exercise. Bing-eaing/purging type during the last 3 months, the individual has engaged in recurrent episodes of binge eaing or purging behaviour.