PSYC 3020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Jury Trial, Lie Detection, Offender Profiling

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Questions given in class for review: mrs. jones . - b inaccurate. ___ refers to the finding that research suggests that personality is stable, but behaviour is powerfully and situationally determined. In the ___ test, control questions involve behaviours that are uncomfortable. Based on our discussions in class and assigned readings, name four factors that impact police accuracy in deception detection? (sa/ written list and explain) Stereotype threat: training, liars stereotype, confirmation bias. How might you best characterize the dominant judicial attitude. Canadian courts have expressed great confidence in jurors assessing credibility is a straightforward matter porter & Physiological arousal (rise in bp, increased skin moisture, : relevant - irrelevant test control question , positive control test. Sa list and describe four key issues or concerns related to accuracy and utility of criminal profiling based on lecture and readings: basic assumptions, cross situational consistency, utility of inferences, dangers of stereotyping and discrimination.