PSYC 2740 Study Guide - Final Guide: Standard Deviation, Identity Crisis, Silent Treatment

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Self-esteem how you feel about who you are. Social identity how you present yourself to others. Sometimes it does not match our self-concept. Begins when child makes distinction between its own body and everything else self-recognition occurs around 18 months of age-average. Social comparison an evaluation of oneself or one"s performance in terms of a comparison with a reference group. Private self-concept hidden side to the self, private attributes, thoughts, feelings, desires e. g. children develop imaginary friends when this develops. Perspective taking ability to take the perspectives of others or to see oneself as others do. Step outside oneself and imagine how one appears to others. Develops during teens, can lead to extreme self-consciousness. Objective self-awareness seeing yourself as an object of others attention. Often experienced as shyness, can be a chronic problem. Self-schemata part of our self-concept: possible selves, ought selves, and undesired selves. Self-schema specific knowledge structure or cognitive representation of the self-concept.