PSYC 2650- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 54 pages long!)

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Is testing more beneficial for long-term retention than studying: once an item is learned, does it benefit from additional study or testing, 4 study-test cycles, people are given word pairs in a different language. Kornell and bjork (2008: a small percent people think that interleaved was better than massed, benefit for interleaved vs. massed (blocked) learning, desirable difficulties (robert bjork, youtube video. Learned": common questions, i study by copying my notes. Is that a good idea? : depends on active vs. passive role, does cramming work? , not for long-term retention. There are some short-term performance gains: what is the format of the upcoming test, doesn"t matter. Effective study strategies will enhance learning and retention regardless of the format (e. g. , multiple-choice vs. short answer). Is it possible to alter the brain without changing the mind and vice versa: captures modern thinking on mind-brain relationships, brain as the organ of the mind, historical perspectives, phrenology (franz joseph gall)