PSYC 2330 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fear Conditioning, Liquor Control Board Of Ontario, Endel Tulving

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Extinction: reduction of learned response that occurs because the conditioned stimulus (cs) is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus (us: the procedure of repeatedly presenting a cs without the us. Effects of extinction procedures: procedures that produce a decline in responding only after following and established pavlovian or instrumental association, manipulate the stimulus to decrease responding, reverse the effects of the instrumental learning rarely achieved. Extinction: active process produced by unexpected absence of reinforcer. Forgetting: passage of time, does not require non-reinforced encounters with the cs or cr. Expected based on previous learning (absence of the. Us) the association is still intact, forming a new stimulus response: forgetting: caused by the passage of time. Encounters of cs or cr are not required. Two basic behavioural effects of extinction: primary behaviour effect: target response decreases when response no longer results in reinforcement, ex.