[PSYC 2330] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 45 pages long Study Guide!

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What is learning: enduring change in the mechanism of behaviour, involves specific stimuli and/or responses (prior experience, respond, behave, interact w/ environment than we originally thought associations, nativism vs. nurture, empiricism. Philosophical background: psychologists believe it is a bit of both nature and nurture, sensation of a stimulus that we pair with a behavior/thought; Classical conditioning = pavlovian conditioning = s-s learning = pairing animals incapable of voluntary learning: dualism we either learn voluntarily (consciously) or involuntarily; Descartes we are born with innate ideas about things (nature. Stimulus a detectable change in the internal or external environment; Response any quantifiable reaction to a stimulus; how you react to that: neutral, appetitive, aversive anything, unlearned or learned anything exposure, salivation from hamburger becomes paired with mcdonalds logo after. Operant conditioning = instrumental conditioning s-r-outcome learning. Response entering mcdonalds: behaviour, reinforcement/punishment to get a certain response. Axon potentials cell; increases overall positive charge: 2.