PSYC 2310- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 38 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Know thyself - solon, the greek thinker. No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. - john donne (english poet and priest) Who are you: self-concept of self-knowledge (the known or the me , self-awareness (the knower or the i ) Functions of selfhood: self is an interpersonal tool, self makes choices, self regulation. Self knowledge comes from self-comparison and feedback from others. Self-knowledge is the most complete form of knowledge imaginable. But it is a complete no from psychoanalysts - it is very hard to obtain. Introspection: the process of looking inward and examining our thoughts and feelings: one way of developing self knowledge, limitations, people don"t engage in introspection often. 2. reasons for some of our behaviours are hidden from our conscious awareness. Cycle of self-esteem: low self-esteem (1) negative expectation (2) low e ort, high anxiety (3) failure (4)