PSYC 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Facial Feedback Hypothesis, Conditioned Taste Aversion, Sensory Memory

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Learning = process where behaviour or knowledge changes as a result of experience. Cognitive learning: reading, listening and taking tests. Classical conditioning = learning to link two stimuli in a way that helps us anticipate an event to which we have a reaction (associative learning) Operant conditioning: changing behavioural responses in response to consequences (contingencies) Cognitive (latent) learning: learning that can occur without reinforcement and without being directly observable. Noticed his dogs salivated at the sound of a bell. Stimulus = external event or cue that elicits a response (food, pain, or sexual contact) Unconditioned stimulus (us) elicits a reflective response without learning. Unconditioned response (ur) a reflexive, unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus naturally occurring response. Conditioned stimulus (cs) a once-neutral stimulus that later elicits a conditioned response because it has a history of being paired with an unconditioned stimulus. Conditioned response (cr) the learned response that occurs to the conditioned stimulus a response that must be learned.