POLS 3470 Study Guide - Secondary Sex Characteristic, Sex Education, Sexual Orientation

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This review includes a large chunk of everything from chapter eight including all the key terms. Instead of me deciding what i think is important to study, i"ll let you make the choice. Right from birth, the two sexes have different primary sex characteristics namely the genitals, organs used for reproduction. At puberty, as people reach sexual maturity, additional sex differentiation takes place. At this point, people develop secondary sex characteristics, bodily development, apart from the genitals, that distinguishes biologically mature females and males. Intersexual people are people whose bodies, including genitals, have both female and male characteristics (hermaphrodite) Transsexual and transgendered people are individuals who feel they are one sex even though biologically they are the other. Sexual orientation refers to a person"s romantic and sexual attraction to another person. Heterosexuality means sexual attraction to someone of the other sex, whereas homosexuality means sexual attraction to someone of the same sex.