POLS 3300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Epistemic Community, Social Movement, Superior Court

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The code is in the shape it is today because politicians have abdicated their responsibility to take leadership and left it to judges to decide what the criminal law should be. As the centrepiece of canadian criminal justice policy, the criminal code of canada should be clear, cogent, and contemporary. Several critiin the supreme court case . Roundtable participants: the criminal net is being cast too wid e" and that the criminal justice system is the pot into which we dump every social problem , Politicians must resist the temptation to create a new offence every time there is a crisis . A more complete survey of the code should include the number of convictions as an additional measure of usefulness to complement the raw charges statistic. Crutcher and brews: choose court data over police data because it represents a later stage in the justice system and include only cases in which a suspect has already been caught .