POLS 2300 Study Guide - Constitution Act, 1982, Aboriginal Peoples In Canada, Ellen Fairclough

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Document Summary

Over the last generation respect for diversity has joined equality and freedom as one of the core values of canadian politics. This image of canadian ethos, emerged at the same time as this image of canada as the pluralistic society par excellence and a model of cultural coexistence. The issues that will be examined in this chapter based on the politics of diversity and the policy of multiculturalism. How canada s population characteristics have changed over time. The ways in which diversity politics has been institutionalized in state institutions and policies; Controversies associated with the canadian multicultural experience and comparisons to policies in other pluralist democracies. From founding nations to multiculturalism: the changing ethnic demography of. The canada that we know today was built on 2 premises: the displacement and marginalization of aboriginal canadians and the settlement and development of the land by european immigrants.