POLS 1400 Study Guide - Final Guide: Secure Flight, C86, Cybersquatting

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How aboriginal issues are currently under the federal department: aboriginal a descendant of any of the indigenous peoples who inhabited canada before the arrival of european settlers. Indian act defines what a first nations community is status and non-status indians: status officially registered with federal government they are recorded as true. Biggest difference is that they"re the only group that used to receive benefits taxation rights, fishing rights, money for ammunition, tax free status, free post-secondary education, etc. Didn"t receive benefits when they gave up status card. Metis is the worst off of all assimilation by neglect the metis didn"t have anything at all no benefits and neglected because the federal government wanted them to assimilate. Inuit government created a territory, nunavut, that gave preference to community: problem. Many status-first nations left reserves and moved to urban areas (70%) When moving off the reserves, they are forced to give up their indian status.