POLS 1400 Study Guide - Final Guide: Delwin Vriend, Civic Engagement, Equal Protection Clause

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Civic engagement different forms of community involvement such as joining a voluntary or civic organization. Judiciary the judicial authorities of a country. Interest groups non-governmental associations that aim to affect public policy to further their own interests. They try to influence power instead of exercising power. Functions: express preferences, provide information and functional representation. Political parties stand in the elections and try to win the votes cast by the people and represent them in the councils, parliament, or any other governing body of the state or country. On the other hand, interest groups do not stand in the elections. They do not aspire for the votes from the public too. This is the main difference between political parties and interest groups. Political parties educate citizens; interest groups are getting better at it. Simplify choice for voting; aggravating interests of the people; need various areas of interest to attract voters.